Sauber uses S1 shot blast machines from AM Solutions for post processing 3D printed parts


Sauber Technologies You can also find out more about the following: AM Solutions According to both companies, they have been working closely together for the post-processing of 3D printed metal and plastic parts since 2021. Sauber uses an S1 shotblast system purchased from AM Solutions since 2022 for the post-processing of HiPAC components created with SLS technology.

AM Solutions claims that the S1 is a machine capable of cleaning and finishing surfaces in a single step using only one blast medium.

Vitor Sousa, team leader for additive manufacturing of plastic components at Sauber Technologies said: “Since the S1 system can handle multiple functions, it reminds us a bit of the multi-functionality of a Swiss army knife. We used to have to manually rework the printed parts and blast them separately. Now, all we need to do is remove the completed components from the S1 for visual inspection. With an average batch size of 20 work pieces we save at least two hours of valuable time per post process cycle.”

AM Solutions states that this system is ideal for post-processing delicate components. The blast media for the S1 are made of polystrol.

“In the past we used glass beads, which were less expensive. The high wear rate of the glass beads led to a much shorter lifespan. The polystyrol medium has a 15-times longer usable life, resulting in lower operating costs. An additional benefit is that compared to glass beads the polystrol media creates more attractive and shiny surface finishes,” said Sousa. 

“In addition, we do not have to change the blast media for the process steps ‘cleaning’ and ‘surface finishing’. And the risk of media contamination by using two different media has been completely eliminated.”

Read More: Sauber Technologies expands its additive manufacturing technology partnership AM Solutions

Sousa explained that the S1’s standard size was too large for the Sauber setup. According to the team leader, an alternative solution with a smaller footprint was required. AM Solutions created a mobile Dust Collector and developed a space-saving S1 version for Sauber Technologies to meet the challenge.

AM Solutions claims that by processing black HiPAC and white SLS components separately, the risk for discoloration is eliminated.

Sousa concluded: “With AM Solutions we have a partner who offers not only standard equipment but who perfectly understands our requirements and provides us with tailormade solutions. On the basis of this highly successful technological partnership, other engineering developments are already on the drawing board.”

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