Rochdale News | News Headlines | Ambulance service urges the public to use 111 online as hot weather continues


Date published: 14 June 2023

North West Ambulance Service is urging everyone to be extra cautious to enjoy the warm weather in a safe manner and use their services wisely before a three-day junior doctor strike.

The number of 999 emergency calls to the ambulance service has increased as temperatures increase. Tuesday (12th June) saw a 30% rise compared to last year’s same day. Public is reminded that only dial 911 in an emergency if it’s life-threatening.

This comes as the British Medical Association (BMA) has announced a three-day walkout of junior doctors from 14-17 June after A&Es across the country experienced the busiest May on record.

Ged Blezard, director of operations for NWAS, said: “Tried and tested plans are in place to mitigate the risk to public safety, however with industrial action taking place, coupled with the high temperatures we’ve been experiencing it is inevitable that we will see service disruption across the NHS.

“As always, you should call 999 in a life-threatening emergency but as the hot weather continues there are things you can do to keep yourselves safe in the sun – such as keeping well hydrated, using sunscreen and keeping out of the direct sunshine when it’s at its hottest.

“For those in need of urgent medical help but it’s not an emergency, NHS 111 online is available to offer expert advice. It can direct you to where you can find most appropriate care or you may get a call back from a health professional.”

Keep safe with these top safety tips as temperatures continue to rise.

Drink lots of water – Keep hydrated because you will lose more fluids than you can take in when the temperatures are higher. This is especially important if you do any kind of physical activity or travel long distances.

Keep out of the sun – You should try to avoid the sun between 11am-3pm. This is when it is the hottest.

Wear sunscreen and sunglasses – To protect your eyes, use a suncream with a minimum factor of 15 and UVA protection.

Loose clothing – Wear cotton clothing that is loose and light. Also, wear a hat.

Look out for others – Check on people who are susceptible to heat effects, such as the elderly, babies, children, and those with heart conditions or respiratory problems, like asthma.

Never leave babies, young children or animals in a parked vehicle – Heatstroke and heat exhaustion are very common in children younger than two.

Unsupervised water – Don’t be tempted to take a dip in reservoirs, canals, lakes and rivers to cool down. Under the surface, there are many hidden dangers such as cold and deep water, debris or underwater currents that can lead to drowning.

Keep an eye out – When children are near or in water, they should be closely supervised. They should also only swim within designated swimming areas.

Don’t be pushy – When in the pool or on the beach, never push, run or jump over others. Instead, call 911 or tell a lifeguard if someone is in distress.

On the water – Always wear a safety vest when in a boat, canoe, or similar vessel.

Road safety – Always wear a safety helmet while riding a bicycle or scooter. Be aware of busy streets and cross safely.

Dangerous playgrounds – Make sure you know where your children are going to ensure they aren’t playing in any hazardous areas such as railway tracks or abandoned buildings and always arrange a time for when they are going to be home.

Stick together – Don’t walk away and leave friends to get home on their own. 

Drink alcohol sensibly – If you’re enjoying a tipple in the sunshine, be sure to know your limits and remember to drink plenty of water as the alcohol will make you even more dehydrated.

By taking these steps it will help to keep ambulance services free for those who are most in need and also ensure everyone enjoys the sunshine safely.

For more information on when to call 999 and when to go to A&E, you can visit the NHS UK website.

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