R3direct on Making 3D Printed Street Furniture Using Recycled Materials



In all areas, sustainability and ecological concerns are important issues in today’s society. This issue is being taken seriously by many companies who are using 3D printing to create products, materials and production processes that have minimal environmental impact.  R3direct is an example of such a company. This Italian start-up uses large format 3D printing to produce parts from materials made of recycled waste. Its projects have been supported and recognized by the public and private sectors in art and architecture. Stefano Giovacchini is the co-founder of the organization.

3DN: Would you like to introduce yourself and discuss your connection with 3D printing?

Hi! Hi! My name is Stefano Giovacchini. I am a designer, and the co-founder of r3direct. This company experiments with recycled and sustainable materials to create large format 3D printers. I have also “embraced” the circular economy for years, and I teach “Design for the Circular Economy” at the School of Sustainability in Milan. I’m particularly involved in the form and use of new materials from circular and sustainable supply chain. 3D printing came to my attention because I am a fan of open source technologies. While attending the LUG in Lucca, I made the decision with a friend to purchase one the Rep Rap’s very first kits. Although it was a great adventure, I remember the experience with great joy. 3D printing gave me the chance to invent a job. We currently make products and services that wouldn’t exist without 3D printing.

The r3direct team

3DN: What is the story behind r3direct? What’s your mission?

R3direct was born thanks to a call for new circular economy ideas issued by the municipality of Capannori (LU) (a famous “recycling municipality” and home of zero waste), in which I participated with what later became my partners, Cristiano Cavani and Marco Paganucci, with the idea of recovering plastic from separate waste collection and creating sustainable products for citizens with it. We won the tender because they liked our idea. After one year, we established a research-and-development relationship with Revet S.p.A.. They are a company that segregates multimaterial waste from the 90 percent of Tuscany. These materials can be used to make recycled plastic granules, which can then be used in large-format 3D printers. We are still working with Revet on many projects.

3DN: Could you tell us about some of the most fascinating projects r3direct has been involved in?

R3direct is a collaborative company that works with designers. Many interesting projects result from these synergies. But, in general, we find the public furniture works to be the most satisfying. Desko® is an innovative model of street furniture designed by four young Florentine architects to study and work outdoors; it is self-sufficient because it is powered by a solar panel. We are responsible for both engineering and production. In March, we will place two of these in a park near Florence. Mario Cucinella is another notable collaborator. We made 80 stools to support his Design with Nature installation. It was shown at the Milan Furniture Fair 2022. The stools were made using approximately 280 kg of postconsumer plastic, which we sourced from door-to–door.

sgabelli r3direct

R3direct made the stools based on a design from Mario Cucinella Architects. They were exhibited at Milan Furniture Fair 2022.

The School of Sustainability in Milan also printed approximately 40 seats for Kaboom 2020, a public event devoted to sustainability. In addition, I would like to mention the objects that I personally design, to which I am particularly attached, such as the Magma ceiling lamp, printed in “dirty” urban waste and coated internally in gold leaf, which was created in 2019 as the manifesto of our activity and displayed in various international exhibitions.

3DN: Can you tell us more about r3direct’s U.S.E. project?

The USE project is a research and design project which brings together planners, local government and industry. Giulia del Grand, a young architect had the idea of covering concrete anti-terrorism barriers, which are unfortunately still required by law during public events. Instead, she proposed a system that uses modular elements to provide a service to citizens: benches, planters, and bike racks.

We at r3direct provided the prototypes and it was the first time that this material could be used in public furniture. One of these benches was placed in the historic centre of Lucca.

It was made from plastic from recycled polyacrylate packaging, a type of polyethylene that contains a small amount of aluminum. This is a unique European product. The recycled Tetrapck contains both paper objects as well as the granules we tested and used in large-format 3D printers. While the USE project remains in its experimental phase, it will eventually become a fully fledged product.

progetto USE

3DN: Art is at the heart your business. How can you use 3D printing in this industry?

3D printing is becoming a more popular method of producing artistic objects. We also continue to research sustainable materials. We use large-format printers that are made with recycled plastics to produce large-scale works. For example, we created a Fellini sculpture measuring 2.2 meters tall. We use medium format resin printers to print objects that require greater attention to detail. We create unique pieces and models for mold-making or bronze casting. Digital tools are becoming more popular among artists. However, professionals are required to materialize their work.

3DN: What are r3direct’s future projects?

While we are involved in many projects, the one that is most important to us is the creation a school for additive manufacturing. It was founded last summer. SMAC, School of Additive Manufacturing at Coreglia Antelminelli in Coreglia Antelminelli in Lucca is the idea of a seasonal school of specialization in professional practice, where theory meets practice. This school draws inspiration from the ancient school “Di Disegno e Plastica” (Of Drawing and Plastics) founded in 1883 by Carlo Vanni and aims to be a contemporary continuation projected to popularize new technologies intended as a flywheel for new local economies. More information can be found HERE.


The Magma ceiling lamp is 3D printed

3DN: Do you have any last words for our readers

Don’t give up the urge to experiment with 3D printing! This world has only reached a small fraction of its potential and is still evolving.

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*All Image Credits: r3direct

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