Photopolymer Week 2023 Insights from RadTech and PAMA


Photopolymer Week, 2023, is shaping up as the premier event for industry leaders and those wanting to learn more about the field.  

What’s on the agenda for Photopolymer Week 2023?

According to Mickey Fortune, Associate Executive Director at RadTech, The Association for UV & EB Technology, the agenda is “quite comprehensive.” Fortune said, “Photopolymer Week 2023 is a unique opportunity to engage with leading researchers and industry professionals in the photopolymerization field. Whether you’re an academic, a student, a scientist, or a professional in the industry, this event is a valuable opportunity to stay updated with the latest research and innovations, contribute to discussions about the future of photopolymerization, and network with peers.”

Photopolymer Week is a week-long event that includes two events: the 2023 PhotopolymerAdditive Manufacturing Alliance Workshop (PAMA) and Photopolymerization Fundamentals. Presentation topics include photoresponsive hydrogel materials and their applications, new approaches to photopolymerization reactions, advances in 3D printing of hydrogels, photopolymers with tailored properties via λ-orthogonal photochemistry, and innovations in sustainability and performance of photopolymer raw materials, among others. There will also be a poster session, a vendor exhibit, and ample time for audience discussion and Q&A.

Photopolymer Week takes place at the University of Colorado Boulder, from September 18th until 22nd. The event will begin with the Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing Alliance Workshop on September 18-19, followed by Photopolymerization fundamentals from September 20-22.

David Walker, Executive Chairperson of the Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing Alliance (PAMA) and the CTO and Co-founder of PrintFoam, acknowledged the sector is “very technical and difficult to navigate” unless one has a solid understanding of chemistry, optics, hardware, and software. The lack of standardization for measurement makes it difficult to compare materials and hardware apples-to-apples.

This recognition of standardization as a critical driver for 3D printing’s broader adoption is shared by RadTech America, itself a primary photochemical supply chain organization. These organizations, along with the Department of Commerce (DOS), are working to ensure consistency in units and metrics. They see this as a crucial initiative for the evolution of the photopolymerization technologies in the US supply chains. Photopolymer Week is one event that brings together decision-makers as part of the mission. 

RadTech and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, (NIST), also work together to host the PAMA 2023 Workshop as part of Photopolymer Week. NIST will moderate the open dialogue panels and take part in them, which include sessions on composites (including ceramics), multi-materials (including polymers), and multi-materials. Representatives from Formlabs Nagase and the University of Utah will tackle the question of whether Photopolymer Additive manufacturing is compatible with a sustainable, safe circular economy.

Photopolymers: the future of 3D printing

Numerous scientists, representatives of the Army Research Laboratory and Department of Energy, as well as the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will be in attendance. 

Technologically, PAMA’s Walker pinpoints the development and application of high-viscosity resin printers as a breakthrough in the 3D printing realm. Materials used for photopolymerization have been viewed as inferior and fragile until recently. Carbon, a company that specializes in 3D printing, changed this perception by demonstrating the capabilities of dual-cure materials. Photopolymerization was now seen as an impressive manufacturing method. Walker believes that new printer hardware, which unlocks the use of higher-viscosity photopolymers, will enable the next wave of improvement in photopolymer materials,  applications, and market growth.

Waker argues that photopolymers have now begun to eclipse other techniques when it comes to cost-effectiveness, versatility, and performance. In Walker’s view, their ability to be formulated almost without limitation is why they are increasingly used in ambitious applications.

PAMA, as part of its mandate for advancing knowledge and standardization within the 3D Printing sector, also takes an active role in organizing Photopolymer Week. Walker explained that the event is a combination of academics and short courses. This allows community members to gain a deeper understanding of photopolymer chemistry.

Why Attend Photopolymer Week in 2023?

RadTech’s Mickey Fortune explains that the two events that make up the week – the PAMA Workshop and Photopolymerization Fundamentals, “are carefully structured to facilitate candid conversations and discussions on both the current state and future directions of the field. The array of presentations, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions will enable attendees to delve into a wide range of topics, from the technical aspects of photopolymerization to broader questions about sustainability and applications in different sectors.”

Photopolymer Week is a great opportunity for those who are interested in the field to connect and learn from the experts. It is also a chance to glimpse what the future holds for this technology from an industry insider’s perspective. Walker sees it as an attempt to recreate the conference that first ignited his passion for additive manufacturing, “sitting in the back of the auditorium as a newcomer to the field, watching and learning from the intense and intricate scientific debates that ensued, and hearing from multiple points of view on stage. It was a lot of fun.” 

But Walker’s excitement does not make him complacent. In describing his experiences with RadTech, and PAMA, Walker stresses the importance to have a critical, honest eye when assessing new technologies. He highlights that in an industry teeming with companies purporting to be ‘game-changers,’ it is vital to discern truly innovative technologies from merely incremental improvements and to question the degree of creativity involved. “Industry leaders need to acknowledge that many of the emerging technologies might have some new advantages, but they also usually come with some new limitations,” Walker notes, underlining the necessity for clarity and frankness in this rapidly evolving industry.

Walker’s excitement about the future is evident. Walker is excited about the future of photopolymers in additive manufacturing. He praises their versatility and affordability and is eager to see what they can do to continue pushing boundaries and spurring innovation. He emphasizes that events like Photopolymer Week are key to promoting understanding and progress in this field and that critical analysis of new technologies is essential to ensure the industry’s continued growth. His parting words serve as a reminder of the potential that lies in the careful study and application of photopolymers: “I have a soft spot for polymers, I reckon.”

Do you want to know more about Photopolymer Week 2023? Register and view the full schedule for Photopolymer Week in 2023.

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