Packaging design trends to avoid in 2023


Consumers want packaging that offers a sense of calm and, in some cases, even nostalgia for a time when things didn’t feel so chaotic. Photo Unsplash

We quickly went through several websites related to packaging design. It was clear that many packaging designers are making wild guesses based only on past packaging industry conversations. It is also influenced by what their clients are doing in recent years. We also include some fashion references and deep insights into the future of retro look.

Most packaging designers will continue to follow the trend to do whatever the client requests and keep their lives interesting by creating backstories and trends that link their work with the cosmos. The sites and forecasts we looked at and quoted and misquoted below are – Creative Boom, RanPak, and 99 Designs. Try to understand this stuff. Our advice is to eat only what is local and in season.

  1. Packaging evolves at lightning speed, just like everything else. Now that small players can compete with the big guys’ thanks to digital printing, standing out from the crowd is a must.
  2. Consumers want packaging trends that offers a sense of calm and, in some cases, even nostalgia for a time when things didn’t feel so chaotic. Shopping should not be a stressful process; there’s enough of that everywhere else. To escape the chaos of traffic, some people go to the supermarket.
  1. The design industry is embracing typography as the central piece of their designs. Designers have experimented with deceptive depth. This is a technique that produces 3-dimensional graphics on 2-dimensional surfaces. Others forecast a year filled with typographic scrawls and cartoon charm.
  2. Minimalism is another option for packaging design. The packaging used to have to be bold and use big colors such as orange or electricblue for years. Really.
  3. Words matter. One of the most critical aspects of Google’s new algorithm is that it pushes quality content over a paragraph stuffed with keywords. Really!! People get tired of hearing the same buzzwords over and over again, so packaging is taking off. I don’t believe it. Instead of using many catchy phrases and words that don’t mean anything, packaging is moving toward getting to the point and building trust through a quality product rather than big promises. Let’s hope this is really a new thought and that it comes true.
  4. All you need is a QR code away. After the pandemic, iPhones were able to scan QR codes. But now the QR code is everywhere. Brands can use the QR code to allow consumers to enter their world by sticking it on the back of their packaging.
  5. Continual options are coming for eco-friendly packaging, and that’s only a good thing as laws are passed worldwide to battle climate change. 
  6. The world of luxury packaging design is full of itms. Maximalalism is a trend that is predicted. It is making waves post-pandemic. A burst of color, pattern, and things that don’t quite go together but somehow work, this is a joyful response to the lockdowns and gloom of recent years. It is a flurry of energy that has seen it enter the luxury market more than ever. You can see the difference between anarchism and it below.
  7. Informatism refers to the design that reveals all lab details and provides every bit of data, numbers, or diagrams. These designs are often informative and text-heavy, and describe the experiments and explain the hypothesis. You can also see wordism or words matter.
  8. Anarchism. How can designers break with the norm and create unique packaging for luxury brands. One option is to abandon the entire rulebook. Also, see maximalism above.
  9. Virtualism. Luxury packaging design will be inspired by the incredible advancements in AI and VR. We’ve seen so much progression over the last 12 months that designers would have to be living in a cave not to appreciate their dominance. AI and VR work best when they are in caves.

All the best for the new year! Naresh Khanna

Daily, the impact, resilience and growth of responsible packaging across a broad region are chronicled by Packaging South Asia

Packaging South Asia, which is a multi-channel B2B publication as well as a digital platform like it, is always open to the possibility of new beginnings. The 16-year-old monthly is based in New Delhi (India)
It demonstrated its commitment for growth and progress. In the last three years, both the Asian and Indian packaging industry have displayed resilience in the face continuous challenges.

As we present our publishing plan for 2023, India’s real GDP growth for the financial year ending 31 March 2023 will reach 6.3%. Even when inflation is taken into account, the growth of the packaging industry has been greater than GDP growth over three years.

India’s flexible film manufacturing capacity has increased by 33% in the last three years. From 2023 to 2025, orders are in place and we anticipate an additional 33% capacity increase. The capacities in monocartons as well corrugation and aseptic liquid packaging have increased similarly. The numbers are positive for most of the economies in the region – our platform increasingly reaches and influences these.

Even with disruptions to supply chains, high raw material costs, and the challenge that comes with responsible and sustainable packaging there is still significant growth potential for India and Asia. Our context and coverage engulf the entire packaging supply chain – from concept to shelf and further – to waste collection and recycling. Our target audience includes brand owners, product managers and raw material suppliers as well as packaging designers, converters and recyclers.

In an admittedly fragmented and textured terrain, this is the right time to plan your participation and marketing support communication – in our impactful and highly targeted business platform. Tell us about your ideas
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– Naresh Khanna

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Since 1979, Editor of Indian Printer and Publisher. Packaging South Asia since 2007. A trained offset printer and a computer programmer with IBM 360. Active in the effort to implement Indian scripts for computer assisted typesetting. As a trainer and consultant to the Indian newspaper and print industry. In the 1990s, IDC Powai’s visiting faculty. IPP Services, Training and Research was also founded. Since 1999, he has been its principal industry researcher. Author of Miracle of Indian Democracy.

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