Oklahoma Baptists Historical Commission and OBU observe restoration of 1613 King James ‘He’ Bible


Above: Oklahoma Baptists’ Historical Secretary Bob Nigh, center right, accepts delivery of the 1613 King James “He” Bible from Francisco Rodriguez, master conservator with the Museum of the Bible (MOB) in Oklahoma City. Front row, from left: Joshua Mackey (OBU Mabee Learning Center MLC Archivist); Denise Jett, MOB conservator Patricia Rodriguez; Julie Rankin (MLC director of library service) Back row: MLC library staffers Sarah Stevens (and Charles Ackerly) and Andy Latta (Minister of Music and Finance Administration at Tahlequah First).

Conservators recently completed the work of repairing and restoring a 1613 King James Version (KJV) “He” Bible recently donated to the J.M. and Helen Gaskin Baptist Historical Library and Archives at Oklahoma Baptist University by Shields Blvd. Officials from OBU’s Mabee Learning Center teamed up with experts from the Museum of the Bible in Oklahoma City for the restoration.

Francisco Rodriguez, master conservator at the Museum of the Bible, Oklahoma City, talks about the details of the restoration project.

Bob Nigh, Oklahoma Baptists’ historical secretary and director of history, joined with Andy Latta, chairman of the Oklahoma Baptist Historical Commission (OBHC); Julie Rankin, OBU director of library services; Joshua Mackey, OBU archivist; and other OBU representatives to pick up the historic book on Aug. 3, 2022.

Mackey presented his findings about the restoration in a “Stewardship and Exhibition Report: 1613 Authorized King James Version “He” Bible,” to the members of the OBHC during their Oct. 3, 2022 semi-annual meeting at OBU.

“Over the course of the last year,” Mackey wrote, “conservators carried out mold remediation, unbound the pages, cleaned centuries of grime off the Bible page by page and rebound it using the tools and methods accurate to the early 17th Century, when it was originally printed. This result is a preserved and original King James Bible that was saved for posterity.

“The rarity of this Bible, the craftsmanship in its reconstruction and its value to Oklahoma Baptists raise the stakes for proper stewardship and display,” Mackey continued. “The conservators have provided clear instructions on caring for the Bible. These instructions will impact both how we display it and how wisely we steward it. Additionally, ongoing discussions within the university surrounding the maintenance and use of the Mabee Learning Center, and current realities surrounding the facility must be considered.”

Mackey’s report is broken down into three components. Part one explores the history of the Bible’s original production, discovery by the Historical Commission, and preservation work. Part two centers around the directions given to the Mabee Learning Center by the Museum of the Bible on proper care and exhibition for the “He” Bible. Part three describes the current condition of the library, the medium- and long-term projections and the challenges currently facing displaying the Bible in this area.

The report ends with recommendations for storage at OBU and other options such as possible loan to Shawnee’s Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art.

“Thank you to tHe Historical Commission for entrusting the library staff with this remarkable example of God’s Word,” Mackey said. “I pray that this report guides the commission in decision-making and stressing the importance of this Bible to our brothers and sisters across the denomination. It is not every day that such a rare treasure makes itself known to us!”

After receiving Mackey’s report and discussion about its contents, the OBHC formed a sub-committee to study his findings and recommendations further and make a report to the OBHC.

The “Great He Bible,” refers to a typographical error in the third chapter of the Old Testament book of Ruth, verse 15, which uses the incorrect pronoun “he,” instead of the correct pronoun “she.”

The actual text reads: “he (Referring to Boaz) measured sixe (six) measures of barley and laide (laid) it on her; and he went into the citie (city).” The correct text should read “and she went into the citie.” The Bible’s title page shows that it contains “the Old Testament and the New: Newly translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesties special commandment. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the king’s most excellent majestie. Anno 1613.”

Barker was one of three printers—along with Bonham Norton and John Bill—authorized to print the 1611 King James Bible, a task that actually took three years to complete.

The Bible was donated by Shields Boulevard members to the Gaskin Baptist Archives on October 11, 2020. Pastor Gary Bostwick stated that the Bible was found in a church hallway and was decided to donate it to the archives for restoration and care.

An appraisal by an Oklahoma City antique collector from 1973 was included with the Bible. It identified the Bible as a King James Bible 1613 copy. The Bible’s provenance stems from David Sprague from Oklahoma City, and it was previously owned by W.A. Stewart, Pittsburgh Pa.

“Its publication date alone would make it notable,” Mackey said. “The first Authorized King James Bible was published in 1611, while King James I reigned in England from the Union of the Crowns in 1603 to 1625. This means that this particular Bible was not only among the first copies the original KJV but also contemporaneous to the king who authorized its translation. It is a remarkable piece of history and a testament to both the craftsmanship of those early printers and the endurance of God’s Word.”

Francisco and Patricia Rodriguez, conservators, discovered mold evidence during the restoration process. They needed to remediate it. This involved placing the Bible in low temperatures and humidities to kill any mold spores. Following were the guidelines provided by conservators when we took the Bible back to them:

  1. Keep the humidity and temperature moderate and steady so the spores remain dormant (below 70° F and below 60 percent relative humidity) and monitor to ensure the space is remaining within safe levels.
  2. You should ensure that there is good air circulation within the collection storage area and keep an eye out for stagnant pockets.
  3. Don’t store your collections in damp areas or areas that are prone to flooding or leaks.
  4. It is important to keep areas where collections are stored clean and accessible. Dust and dirt can be spore sources, so it is important to keep collections clean and in protective enclosures. Keep windows shut to keep dust and spores low.
  5. To check for mold, isolate any incoming collections.
  6. Change HVAC (heating ventilating, and air-conditioning) filters according to manufacturer’s recommendations and/or switch to HEPA filters.

Taken together, the conservator’s guidelines highlight the importance of closely controlling and monitoring the conditions in which the Bible is stored and displayed.

“With the above considerations for care and stewardship in mind, displaying the Bible brings with it a few challenges,” Mackey said. “Specifically, protecting the Bible from UV radiation, temperature fluctuations, and humidity will be critical in extending its life, ensuring that it will continue to endure for future generations.

“UV light is perhaps the most challenging element to avoid, as both fluorescent office lighting and natural light are a hazard. To prevent any page from fading, it will be necessary to turn the pages more often the Bible is exposed. For long-term display, spaces that receive a lot of natural light, like the Mabee Learning Center lobby are too dangerous.

“We will need to find a location in the library or elsewhere where lighting can be more closely controlled. A dimly lit location with space to install canned lighting would be ideal, since we can direct the light and select bulbs that match the lumens needed to follow the conservator’s recommendations for maximum light exposure.”

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