MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Taken to Court for Refusing to Pay the Person who Proved Him Wrong


Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, and noted 2020 denier Mike Lindell has offered $5 million to anyone that can disprove Lindell’s alleged evidence of Chinese interference in the presidential election for 2020. Lindell is a Trump supporter and he believes the 2020 election has been stolen. He claims to have the evidence. There was a catch, however, as Lindell required that any such claims be submitted to an arbitrator, and the terms were written quite narrowly–but perhaps not narrowly enough.

Lindell accepted the challenge of Robert Zeidman. Zeidman is a computer forensics specialist who had voted twice for Trump. He analysed the alleged evidence and showed it to be a pile of digital trash, not evidence of election manipulation. He showed that (as Lindell required) the data was unrelated to the 2020 presidential elections. Lindell, as expected, refused to make payment, and the matter was taken to arbitration. The arbitrators found in favor of Zeidman, even though Lindell had written terms that made recovery difficult.

Lindell’s integrity, which is matched by his knowledge of electoral administration, has not paid, leading Zeidman, who filed a lawsuit in federal court, to continue to refuse to pay.

Lindell might not have learned a lot about election administration from these trials, but it seems he’s about to find out if arbitration awards can be enforced. He will no doubt drag this out as long as he can (and likely cite these travails as he tries to hawk more mediocre pillows), but he will eventually be forced to pay up–unless, of course, he is insolvent by then. Lindell faces multiple defamation lawsuits from Dominion Voting Systems, former Dominion executives and is facing legal sanctions over frivolous legal claims.

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