Epson to end sales of laser printers in drive for sustainability


Epson globally will end its sale and distribution of laser printers by 2025, citing the technology’s limited ability to make meaningful advances in sustainability. This announcement comes one year after Epson announced that it would invest EUR 770million in sustainable innovation. It coincides also with the launch its new range business inkjet printing machines.

According to new research with regional decision-makers commissioned by Epson and conducted online by Coleman Parkes has shown that nearly two thirds (58 percent) of UAE corporate respondents want to reduce energy costs, and 72 percent say they’re concerned about the energy use of printers given the increases in energy costs.

The research involved 5,650 IT decision-makers, IT users, and IT influencers. It was conducted between April and June 2022. There was a strong focus on education and healthcare.

Nearly half (56%) of UAE respondents believe inkjet printers can help them achieve their cost reduction goals. More than two-thirds (69%) say they would like to have a better understanding of how energy savings could be achieved by changing the printers used.

While sustainability was a key focus in Epson’s regional research, outcomes also detailed changing technology usage trends and challenges in some of the region’s fastest-growing sectors such as education and healthcare, alongside the public sector.

Education sector

Across survey respondents working in the education sector in the UAE, the majority of education workers say it’s essential that teachers have access to a printer, and 52 percent said students will need more access to print technology in 2022. Although 61% of teachers have printers in their classrooms, 43% of respondents to the survey said that print volumes had changed between the previous year and 2022. This is why it’s so important for teachers and students to have the right technology to maximize the technology’s benefits and improve the learning experience. 43% believe there will be an increase in the need to invest in new technology over three years, so that all students have access to relevant material.

Healthcare sector

Healthcare organizations are looking for information on how to save energy by switching to different printer types. 60 percent also want to learn more about the potential CO2 savings within their printer fleet.

Public sector

The UAE’s public sector is committed to sustainability, and as an example, reducing the energy consumption of current printer technology was cited as a key concern by 50 percent of respondents. 80 percent of decision-makers in the public sector report that they are looking to invest over the next 12 month in new technology. 73 percent want to know how to save energy by managing the print fleet differently.

With 87 percent of UAE respondents saying it’s important to undertake a review of how to reduce energy costs across their organisation, Jason McMillan, Sales Director, Epson Middle East added, “In the context of spiralling energy costs, it’s vital that organisations take advantage of every opportunity to reduce expenditure. Companies must move quickly to adopt energy-efficient technology. Cutting energy use will also dramatically reduce the volume of CO2 emissions produced, helping to address concerns around sustainability.”

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