[INTERVIEW] Olivier Diegerick, EMEA Additive Manufacturing Software Portfolio Development Executive, Siemens Digital Industries Software


In this interview, Olivier Diegerick, the EMEA Additive Manufacturing Software Portfolio Development Executive at Siemens Digital Industries Software, shed light on the firm’s integrated approach towards additive manufacturing (AM) through its software solutions. 

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Siemens’ AM software suite recognizes the role of the AM within a process chain, offering a more holistic solution, beginning with design through Siemens NX, one of the top CAD packages in the market. The suite allows for a seamless AM workflow, even for those who do not use NX. It is geared towards sectors such as aerospace and automotive. Diegerick mentioned, “The uniqueness of our solution is end-to-end going from design optimization to the final product.” highlighting the importance of a unified environment for design, validation, and manufacturing. 

A critical feature of Siemens’ suite is its print validation, which allows designers to verify printability early in the design phase, thanks to the connectivity between design, manufacturing, and simulation tools. This robust integration extends to machine interfacing, with direct access to major OEMs’ machine software, ensuring a coherent workflow from platform preparation support generation to process simulation for metal powder bed fusion. 

Diegerick stressed the benefits of an interconnected set-up, including the generation of compensated models for deformations in parts and the updating of data throughout the process. He added, “When you ramp up from an R&D activity towards a more industrialized process, these tools enable data management and are all connected to the initial tool set,” underlining the significance of traceability and process reproducibility in industrial applications.

Moreover, Siemens’ AM software suite incorporates quality control tools, and with connected capabilities, it enables users to simulate their AM activities, including factory setup, before actual implementation. Siemens’ comprehensive solution is what sets it apart from other point-solution providers who operate in silos. It also pushes the frontier of additive manufacturing software.

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Siemens’ Tailored Approach Streamlines Additive Manufacturing for Industrial Clients

Diegerick outlined a scenario in which large corporations often have AM machines dispersed across global hubs. Each machine uses different design, manufacturing and simulation tools that are managed by Excel or other rudimentary software. He remembered a recent conversation with a client in the aerospace industry who acknowledged that such setups were beyond their manageability limits, and stressed the need for an streamlined approach.

He underscored that most engagements are with brownfields—established firms already utilizing AM to some extent instead of greenfields new to AM.

Siemens’ approach begins with an understanding of a client’s existing process and priorities, whether they lean more towards design or manufacturing. A stepwise implementation of Siemens’ solutions then follows to prevent overwhelming the client, Diegerick explained, “We take this approach because we have a lot to offer, but we can quickly overwhelm our customers by throwing all of our solutions at them.”

Discussions compared Siemens’ AM process optimization to a typical management consulting project. In a typical engagement, a proof of concepts (POCs) is conducted on the workflow to be optimized. This is followed by a comparison of key performance indicator (KPIs), between existing and new processes. The gains are quantified by time, data accuracy, and traceability and finally translated into financial measures. 

Diegerick further mentioned the involvement of Siemens’ consulting division, Advanta, in more complex, strategic discussions with clients. He said, “We have some very smart consultants.”  This approach demonstrates Siemens’ commitment to not only providing technical solutions but also ensuring that these solutions align with broader organizational objectives, making a compelling case for a more integrated, consultative approach in the AM industry.

Topology-optimized screws. Photo via Siemens AG.
Topology-optimized screws. Photo courtesy of Siemens AG.

Siemens’ Additive Manufacturing Suite Enhances Traceability and Sustainability for Industries

Siemens’ additive manufacturing (AM) software suite is increasingly finding applications in traceability and sustainability. Diegerick cited the US-based Sintavia service bureau, which primarily serves the aerospace and defence sectors. 

Diegerick presented an example of sustainability that revolved around the use if AM for creating robot grippers by a German automotive OEM. AM allowed for a reduction in robot size by switching from metal grippers to polymer grippers. This also helped reduce CO2 emission. He emphasized, “We have some very detailed analysis thanks to the CO2 calculation tools that Siemens also has.”

The interview also covered the important issue of traceability in industries like aerospace, defence, and medicine, which are heavily regulated. Siemens’ AM suite, integrated within the Teamcenter environment, provides a robust data management solution, enabling comprehensive traceability from the initial design phase to post-processing. Diegerick elaborated, “Every single parameter that happens throughout the process can be stored in this Teamcenter environment. And that’s crucial for our customers today. It’s definitely part of the certification process in aerospace, defense, and medical.”

Additive Manufacturing: A Slow march towards Industrialization?

Diegerick was asked about the slower adoption than anticipated of AM technologies. He attributed this to the lengthy and complex certification processes, especially in aerospace and defense. Despite the initial hype around AM being a ‘miracle technology,’ industrial companies find it more intricate and time-consuming than anticipated.

Diegerick notes, “Additive brings a lot of advantages, but it takes a lot of experience. It is very complex and I think that’s also why the adoption is slowing down, but it’s taking longer than expected.” The executive mentions that finding and optimizing the right applications for AM, particularly in aerospace and defense, requires a multi-year certification process, making companies hesitant to invest heavily in this technology.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed to the slowdown in adoption. AM has been highlighted in discussions about Industry 4.0, global supply chains and other topics. However, the financial and operational challenges remain. The pandemic has spotlighted AM’s potential in addressing supply chain issues, but consumer spending slowdowns in sectors like dental have affected the profitability of companies in the AM space.

On a broader scale, the industry’s movement towards Industry 4.0 and the digitization of manufacturing processes are slower. Despite Industry 4.0’s promise, the actual transition has been hampered by a number of factors, such as the complexity of AM technology and the financial implications.

Diegerick discusses also the importance of identifying AM applications and the need for design optimization. The journey to achieve a fully-industrialized process with factories housing tens, or even hundreds, of machines has proven long and complex.

In the journey towards industrialization of additive manufacturing, it is important to identify applications that are appropriate for AM. Next, design optimization and process stability will follow. But the process does not stop there. Many companies have a problem with the certification phase.

This landscape is further complicated due to the introduction of new materials and machines that offer new possibilities, but also complicate the AM adoption process. Diegerick notes the challenges end users face in choosing among myriad options, “When you think you’ve found the right thing, then you see something new.”

Siemens Insight: Using AI to streamline additive manufacturing

Artificial Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing (AI) is growing in popularity as industries try to overcome the complexities of the design and manufacturing phases. 

Diegerick acknowledges that AM is a highly iterative process often involving a ‘learning by doing’ approach. The iterative process, combined with the high cost of machine time and material, highlights the need for AI to optimize the AM process. Siemens has implemented AI-supported technologies in certain tools for design exploration and process simplification. 

One such tool, ‘HEEDS,’ aids in design exploration by analyzing hundreds of designs based on preset parameters to identify the one closest to specified requirements. A second tool is used to determine the best orientation of parts. This is especially important in metal printing where parameters like down skin or up skin can have a significant impact on the printability.

Diegerick elaborates, “With AI, you can find the optimal orientation. AI can save a fortune.” He also mentions the utility of AI in process simulation, which can analyze multiple materials based on numerous parameters affecting the printability of a part.

Diegerick also touched on the wider challenges of AM adoption. He stressed the importance to identify suitable applications, and the need for industry standards that guide newcomers.

The path to industrializing AM at full scale is a complex one, but the integration of AI can reduce the steep learning curve, and the resource expenditure. It becomes a key element for advancing AM.

Siemens sees a localized future through adding manufacturing to strengthen supply chain resilience

Diegerick highlighted AM’s potential to provide more localized, reactive supply procedures. A shift away from the centralized production hubs that are traditionally found in places like China. 

The ability to repair or print parts near where they are required can reduce downtime in industries like oil and gas. Siemens Energy uses AM to print or repair gas burners. This allows them to respond quickly when their gas turbines are down.

The medical sector will also benefit greatly, particularly in the area of patient-specific implant. Diegerick notes, “Within, I would say, two or three weeks, they can get a patient-specific implant, and after a couple of weeks more, they’re back on their feet.” This not only underscores the life-altering benefits of AM but also its potential to significantly disrupt traditional manufacturing and supply chain paradigms.

The Additive Manufacturing Gap and the Need for Transatlantic Initiatives 

Regionally, the UK is a key region in EMEA, driving AM adoption. Aerospace, defense and medical sectors lead the way in the UK. Recent geopolitical changes have increased the adoption of AM in the aerospace, defense and medical sectors.

Diegerick stated that while the UK and France have similar challenges in adopting AM, competition thwarts collaboration efforts that could accelerate technology adoption. He remarked, “You would wish they could talk to each other and share experiences so that it could go faster. But that’s not possible because of market competition.”

Diegerick stressed the need for more initiatives to encourage the adoption of additive manufacture (AM) in Europe. He echoed concerns over the continent’s lagging performance.

The success of America Makes was a major topic of discussion. This US initiative, which combines government, academia and industry, is driving AM forward. This initiative is a testimony to the US’s substantial investment in AM and their political will to do so. On the contrary, Europe’s efforts must be more cohesive and bold. Diegerick expressed, “It’s always a mix between public and private, and it’s very shy initiatives, in comparison to what America has done, where the government, up to the U.S. President, has said, additive is going to be part of strategic initiatives.”

He supports a dual strategy, calling for EU-level and locally-level action to boost AM adoption throughout Europe. In Europe, there is no strong government support, either financially or politically. This is seen as a major obstacle. Diegerick believes that setting up hubs in Europe with all the resources needed, similar to US models, would be an effective way to increase AM adoption.

Diegerick bemoaned the narrow view that tech is merely software in Europe. This is especially true when it’s compared to consumer technology. He stressed the need for a more comprehensive understanding of AM, which encompasses hardware and software as well as materials. He remarked, “Tech is just software, but additive is a combination of things. It doesn’t get that same sort of coverage or exposure,” when compared to more consumer-facing tech offerings. 

Conversations centered on the importance of collaboration to propel AM forward. Diegerick stressed, “What is important is collaboration.” He underscored the vitality of open dialogues among stakeholders along the value chain despite the inherent challenges posed by intellectual property sensitivities.

Diegerick’s insights serve as a clarion call for a broader understanding and promotion of AM’s multifaceted nature, urging stakeholders to transcend the software-centric narrative. The discourse also accentuates the imperative of fostering collaborative ecosystems to navigate the complex AM terrain, ultimately unlocking the technology’s boundless potential in driving industrial innovation across Europe.

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The image featured shows a 3D prototype mold that was designed using Siemens NX. Photo courtesy of Siemens AG.

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