The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Be Ready For


As a futurist, it’s my job to look ahead — so every year, I cover the emerging tech trends that will be shaping our digital world in the next 12 months.

Which technologies are gaining most traction? What are the top trends business leaders need to be aware of?

Continue reading to learn the ten most important tech trends for 2023.

1. Artificial Intelligence Everywhere

Artificial intelligence will be a reality in 2023. The no-code AI interface, which is easy to use and drag-and drop, will allow any business to harness its power to produce more intelligent products.

We’re already seeing this trend in the retail market. Stitch Fix uses AI to suggest clothes that are compatible with its customers’ sizes and preferences.

In 2023, it will be very popular to use contactless, automated shopping and delivery. AI will make payments and delivery easier for customers.

AI will enhance nearly all jobs in every industry. More retailers will use AI to manage and automate the complex inventory management processes that happen behind the scenes, so convenience trends like buy-online-pickup-at-curbside (BOPAC), buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), and buy-online-return-in-store (BORIS), will become standard.

Artificial intelligence will also drive the latest autonomous delivery initiatives that retailers are currently piloting and rolling-out. This will mean that more retail workers will need the ability to work with machines to complete their jobs.

2. Parts of the Metaverse will become real

I don’t particularly care for the term “metaverse,” but it’s become shorthand for a more immersive internet where we’ll be able to work, play, and socialize on a persistent platform.

Experts predict that the metaverse could add $5 trillion to global economic growth by 2030. 2023 will be the year which will define the direction and goals of the metaverse over the next decade.

The advancements in Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) technology are not stopping. One area to watch is the work environment in the metaverse — in 2023, I predict that we’ll have more immersive meeting environments where we can talk, brainstorm, and co-create together.

Nvidia, Microsoft, and even Nvidia have already developed metaverse platforms that allow for digital collaboration.

We’ll also see more advanced avatar technology in the new year. An avatar — the presence we project as we engage with other users in the metaverse — could look exactly like we do in the real world, and motion capture will even enable our avatars to adopt our unique body language and gestures.

We also might see further development in AI-enabled autonomous avatars that can act as our representatives in the metaverse, even if we’re not logged into the digital world.

Already, companies are using metaverse technology such as AR and VR for training and onboarding. This trend is expected to accelerate in 2023. Accenture, a consulting giant, has created the Nth Floor metaverse environment. The virtual world is based on replicas of real Accenture offices so that new employees and existing employees can perform HR-related tasks from a virtual location.

3. Web3 Progress

The development of blockchain technology in 2023 will be significant as more companies create decentralized products.

For example, at the moment, we’re storing everything in the cloud — but if we decentralize data storage and encrypt that data using blockchain, our information will not only be safer, but we’ll have innovative ways to access and analyze it.

In the new year, non-fungible tokens will be more practical and usable. NFT tickets to concerts could allow you to access memorabilia and backstage experiences. These keys could be used to access many digital products and services, or they could be contracts that we make with other parties.

4. The Digital and Physical Worlds are interconnected

We’re already seeing an emerging bridge between the digital and physical worlds, and this trend will continue in 2023. The digital twin technology and the 3D printing are two parts of this merger.

Digital twins can be used for testing new ideas in safe digital environments. They are virtual simulations that simulate real-world processes, operations or products. Digital twins are used by engineers and designers to simulate physical objects within virtual worlds. They allow them to test in every possible condition, without the high cost of real-life trials. In 2023, we’ll see even more digital twins, from factories to machinery to cars to precision healthcare.

Engineers can modify and tweak components in the virtual environment before creating them in the real-world using 3D printing technology.

Formula 1 teams, for example, collect data during races from sensors. This includes temperature and weather conditions at the track. They then stream data from sensors to digital twins for the engines and car parts and run scenarios to make design adjustments on the fly. Based on their testing, the teams 3D-print car parts.

5. Nature is becoming more editable

We will be able to edit material, plants and humans in an era where they can be modified. We will be able to create new materials using nanotechnology, including self-healing and water resistance.

CRISPR-Cas9 has been around for a few years, but in 2023 we’ll see gene editing technology accelerate to give us the increasing capability to “edit nature” by altering DNA.

Gene editing works a bit like word processing, where you can take some words out and add others in — but you can do it with genes. Gene editing can correct DNA mutations and solve food allergy problems, improve crop health, and even modify human characteristics, such as eye and hair color.

6. Quantum Progress

There is an international race right now to create quantum computing at scale.

Quantum computing, which uses subatomic particles to create new ways of processing and storing information, is a technological leap that’s expected to bring us computers capable of operating a trillion times more quickly than the fastest traditional processors available today.

The potential danger of quantum computing is that it could render our current encryption practices useless — so any nation that develops quantum computing at scale could break the encryption of other nations, businesses, security systems, and more. This is an area to be aware of in 2023, as countries such as the US, UK and China invest heavily in quantum computing technology.

7. Green Technology is Moving Forward

The world faces a major challenge right now: reducing carbon emissions to address the climate crisis.

Expect to see green hydrogen continue its development in 2023. This new source of clean-burning, renewable energy will produce almost zero greenhouse gas emissions. RWE and Shell are two of the major European energy companies. They have created the first major green pipe from North Sea wind plants.

We’ll also see progress in the development of decentralized power grids. Distributed energy generation using this model provides a system of small power generators and storage that are located in communities or individual houses — so they can provide power even if the main grid is not available. Our energy system is dominated currently by big energy companies and huge gas suppliers. But decentralized energy initiatives can help create more power around the world while reducing carbon emissions.

8. Robots will become more human

In 2023, robots will become even more like humans — in appearance and capability. These robots can be employed in the real world as bartenders and concierges, or companions for seniors. They’ll also perform complex tasks in warehouses and factories as they work alongside humans in manufacturing and logistics.

One company is trying to make a robot that looks like a human and can be used in our homes. Elon Musk, who presented two prototypes for the Optimus robot in September 2022 at Tesla AI Day, said that the company would be ready within 3 to 5 years. The robot can perform simple tasks like lifting items and watering plants — so perhaps soon we’ll be able to have “robot butlers” that help around in the house.

9. Autonomous System: Progress

Business leaders will continue to work towards creating autonomous systems, focusing on logistics and delivery. Many warehouses and factories have been partially or completely autonomous.

In 2023, we’ll see even more self-driving trucks and ships, as well as delivery robots — and even more warehouses and factories will implement autonomous technology.

Ocado, a British online supermarket that describes itself as “the world’s largest dedicated online grocery retailer,” uses thousands of autonomous robots in its highly automated warehouses to sort, lift, and move groceries. AI is used to help the warehouse place the most in-demand items within reach of its robots. Ocado is now extending the autonomous technology that Ocado has developed to their warehouses to other grocery stores.

10. More Sustainable Technology

We will finally see a shift towards more sustainable technology by 2023. Many (if not most) of us are addicted to technology like our smartphones, tablets, and computers — but where are the components coming from to manufacture our favorite gadgets? People will start to think about where rare earth components are sourced for items like computer chips and how we consume them.

We’re also using cloud services like Netflix and Spotify, which still run in huge data centers that consume vast amounts of energy.

In 2023, we’ll see a continued push toward making supply chains more transparent, as consumers demand that the products and services they invest in are energy efficient and backed by more sustainable technology.

Stay up to date with the latest in tech and business trends by subscribing to my newsletter. Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and check out my books ‘Tech Trends in Practice’ and ‘Business Trends in Practice, which just won the 2022 Business Book of the Year award.

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